Pre-conference workshop on
STE*M Education in Action
The Architecture of STEM Education
Target audience:
Additional cost:
11 September 2024 from 9:00 am till 12:30 pm, (includes a light lunch)
To be confirmed but possibly in the Faculty of Education building, 5th floor and laboratory
Researchers as well as pre- and in-service teachers
R 800 / € 40,00
Within the context of STEM education—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—this pre-conference workshop aims to explore the critical interactions across these fields and how they function together to produce cognitive artifacts. The asterisk (*) in STEM refers to the strategic inclusion of “Art”, “Environment”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Innovation”, and other essential components that highlight the importance of creativity and design thinking in STEM fields.
The workshop aims to provide a practical STE*M experience for all attendees, followed by interdisciplinary exchange on the interconnectedness of knowledge and the promotion of a holistic approach to learning that fosters critical thinking, innovation and adaptability.
Come along as we help to mold STE*M education for the future and unlock the power of STE*M!